Sanitary Sewer

 Septic Tank Tips

As a rule of thumb, don’t dispose of anything in your septic system that can easily be placed in the trash. Here are some helpful tips from our friends at the Northeast Glacial Lakes Watershed Improvement and Protection Project:

  • Use white biodegradable toilet paper (colored or multiply paper does not break down as quickly)
  • Do not flush unused pharmaceuticals down the drain
  • Do not flush paint thinners, gasoline, pesticides or other toxic materials into the system (These materials can kill the naturally occurring bacteria that decomposes septic tank waste.)
  • Use “green” household cleaning products
  • Do not dispose of cooking fats or grease into the system (Grease can build up and clog system components)
  • Do not deposit paper towels and tissues, sanitary napkins or disposable diapers into the system
  • Visit Pickerel Lake Sanitary District

For a more comprehensive discussion and expert commentary on system additives, prevention and maintenance, please refer to page four of Maintaining Your Septic System.