Dennis Skadsen reported the Tributary Study data is undergoing analysis and the final report is in preparation. He said there is ample data on Pickerel for the last 25 years to give perspective to this study, but little more than anecdotal information from before 1991. Data indicates an upward trend in the lake’s phosphorous load, of great significance to algal blooms (and why PLC has been asking cabin owners not to use fertilizers containing phosphorous); however, Dennis said recent stratification events, as have occurred each of the last four years, have triggered a chemical release of embedded phosphorous that complicates the problem of discerning what degree the upward trend in the phosphorous load is due to legacy phosphorous or new phosphorous coming in with runoff. Dennis said the lake ice this winter froze exceptionally clear. There has been little snow cover and as of the day of the most recent board meeting, no flow at the outlet. The Board also approved the Memorandum of Understanding with NEGLWP for 2016 water testing. The most recent report on water quality, released last fall, including comparison with other area lakes including Enemy Swim and Roy, can be found on the PLC web site. Pickerel Lake Conservancy Board