Privacy Policy

Pickerel Lake Conservancy (PLC) takes your privacy seriously, including any information collected, used or stored. We describe our practices for collecting information through this website, social media, email messages, newsletters and donations.

Personal information including name, email address, postal address and similar contact information will be used for the purposes provided. Information submitted through Pay Pal for donations to PLC is also covered under their policies and terms of use and may be reviewed when submitting payments.

PLC may collect personal information you provide online, including e-newsletters, donation forms, event registration and through direct contact over the phone or face-to-face. Third-party information may be used to obtain accurate and updated information.

PLC may use your personal information to send you information regarding our organization. This may include responding to inquiries, processing donations, special events and purchases. PLC may also analyze usage, monitor for fraud, conduct audits, and manage risk. Credit card information sent through Pay Pal is not stored or transmitted to other parties.

PLC may disclose information we collect to acknowledge charitable gifts and to professional advisors, including attorneys and auditors. Information posted by you on message boards or other services may be available to the general public. Disclosures may be made under applicable law or to comply with legal authorities.

Media access control information may be collected that does not directly identify an individual. Common practices often involve analyzing browser activities and are automatically performed by many websites to calculate usage and identify problems. Cookies may be used to improve website functionality and design. PLC does not share this information with third parties or advertisers. PLC does not use third party analytics or share aggregate statistics.

You may opt out of our email communications at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe link below. We do not use Telemarketers. While no electronic transmission or storage is guaranteed 100 percent secure, PLC will take every reasonable precaution to protect any information you provide. PLC does not knowingly collect information from children under age 13, and we request they not post on any of our links. SafeUnsubscribe

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy.